

We're going Green! We're discontinuing product inserts from all catalog kit boxes.

Watch the video below to learn how to find and download the documents that used to be in the kits. 

Cygnus Technologies, LLC believes in the responsibility to care for and protect the environment in which we operate.Our goal is to minimize our organization’s environmental impact and maximize future generations’ access to the earth’s natural resources. To achieve this goal we shall:

  • Comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations.
  • Strive to prevent, reduce, or eliminate waste and pollution by improving operations, recycling/reusing of materials wherever possible, and disposing of waste safely and responsibly.
  • Conserve natural resources and strive to reduce material and energy consumptions.
  • Educate employees to be accountable for environmental stewardship and encourage them to seek innovative ways to improve the environmental aspects of our operations.

Cygnus has an established record of unwavering commitment to the preservation of natural resources and engages in multifaceted eco-friendly practices that underscore our support of environmental protection.

Our ongoing programs emphasize conservation and landfill reduction methods that encompass extensive recycling, subsequent use of recycled materials and utilization of high efficiency lighting and refrigeration in our 15,000 sf Southport facilities. Furthermore, we have endorsed the use of “green” renewable energy sources by installing the largest photovoltaic system in Southport in 2013. This system is comprised of 645 solar panels that provide about 40% of our electrical needs and substantially reduces our present, and future, carbon footprint.

Our products are packaged in recyclable plastic containers.  Boxes used for kits and other products are fabricated from recyclable plastics.


Renewable Resources
Solar Power
邵阳市| 岫岩| 巴东县| 南京市| 石林| 光山县| 宝清县| 红河县| 上栗县| 阿鲁科尔沁旗| 永泰县| 应用必备| 高台县| 丽水市| 海晏县| 明溪县| 南召县| 山阳县| 锡林郭勒盟| 开远市| 纳雍县| 孝义市| 建宁县| 中牟县| 武鸣县| 县级市| 玉屏| 锦州市| 五莲县| 青岛市| 调兵山市| 弋阳县| 江阴市| 隆林| 神木县| 乐至县| 广东省| 乐清市| 鄂托克前旗| 白城市| 曲靖市|